Occupational Health Safety

ISUZU’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System is based on the participation and support of all its employees.
Isuzu Occupational Health and Safety management structure is secured with ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard.
Isuzu has adopted the matter of human health and safety as a fundamental priority. The Company has adopted the unwavering goal of zero work accidents with the continuity of safe working areas and by raising employee awareness.
The Isuzu plant, working with this target of a zero accident rate, reduces the IFR (Injury Frequency Rate) each year. Thanks to its focus on occupational safety and healthy work targets, the frequency of accidents in 2018 decreased by 85% when compared to 2015 and by 30% compared to 2017.
Isuzu’s Injury Frequency Rate in 2018 was lower than the sector average. Zero work accidents and zero occupational disease are the most important targets in this vein.